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Alumatic access panel with 12,5 mm, 15 mm or 2 x 12,5 mm plasterboard inlay

with circumferential lip seal and gypsum plasterboard inlay, suitable for wet rooms, with concealed snap locks and self-adjusting safety catch arms, for ceiling and wall installation

  • Extremely torsion-resistant aluminium profiles also enable the use of oversizes; multi-leaf panels and bespoke sizes
  • Self-adjusting safety catch arms on all sizes offer maximum safety
  • Screwed gypsum plasterboard inlay enables replacement on site

Normalized sound level difference tested according to EN ISO 10140-2:
Rw 29 dB (1 x 12.5 mm, dimension 400 x 400 mm), Rw 28 dB (1 x 15 mm, dimension 400 x 400 mm), Rw 27 dB (2 x 12.5 mm, dimension 400 x 400 mm). Built-in gypsum plasterboard H2, 12.5 mm; 15 mm or 2 x 12.5 mm, removable panel lid, with mounting kit, suitable for wet rooms. Assembly instruction: For wall installation, the locks must be positioned upwards.

Custom-made products
Suitable for inlays: Cement board, Heradesign, fibreboard of all kinds. Panelling thicknesses up to 50 mm are possible.

Clear opening: A3 -32 mm x B3
Construction opening dimension: A1 +5 mm / B1 +5 mm

Installation film alumatic

 Data sheet (PDF)
Installation instruction (PDF)

12.5 mm gypsum plasterboard inlay H2 according to DIN EN 520

Order no.Size
A x B (V)
In­stall­ation di­men­sion
A1 x B1
Out­er dim­en­sion
A2 x B2
Clear width
A3 x B3
T1 / T2
22-256200 x 200197 x 197238 x 238187 x 18713 / 411.2
22-258300 x 300297 x 297338 x 338287 x 28713 / 411.8
22-260300 x 600297 x 597338 x 638287 x 58713 / 412.8
22-259400 x 400397 x 397438 x 438387 x 38713 / 412.6
22-263400 x 600397 x 597438 x 638387 x 58713 / 413.6
22-252400 x 800397 x 797438 x 838387 x 78713 / 413.9
22-261500 x 500497 x 497538 x 538487 x 48713 / 413.6
22-253500 x 800497 x 797538 x 838487 x 78713 / 414.7
22-262600 x 600597 x 597638 x 638587 x 58713 / 414.8
22-254600 x 800597 x 797638 x 838587 x 78713 / 415.4
22-265600 x 1000597 x 997638 x 1038587 x 98713 / 416.9
22-257600 x 1200597 x 1197638 x 1238587 x 118713 / 417.9
22-264800 x 800797 x 797838 x 838787 x 78713 / 417.7
22-255800 x 1000797 x 997838 x 1038787 x 98713 / 418.6
22-2661000 x 1000997 x 9971038 x 1038987 x 98713 / 4111.5
All dimensions are in mm / (V) = lock side

15 mm gypsum plasterboard inlay DFH2 according to DIN EN 520

Order no.Size
A x B (V)
In­stall­ation di­men­sion
A1 x B1
Out­er dim­en­sion
A2 x B2
Clear width
A3 x B3
T1 / T2
22-278300 x 300297 x 297338 x 338287 x 28716 / 412.2
22-279400 x 400397 x 397438 x 438387 x 38716 / 413.2
22-281500 x 500497 x 497538 x 538487 x 48716 / 414.6
22-282600 x 600597 x 597638 x 638587 x 58716 / 416.1
All dimensions are in mm / (V) = lock side

2 x 12.5 mm gypsum plasterboard inlay H2 according to DIN EN 520

Order no.Size
A x B (V)
In­stall­ation di­men­sion
A1 x B1
Out­er dim­en­sion
A2 x B2
Clear width
A3 x B3
T1 / T2
22-267200 x 200197 x 197238 x 238187 x 18726 / 411.6
22-268300 x 300297 x 297338 x 338287 x 28726 / 412.6
22-269400 x 400397 x 397438 x 438387 x 38726 / 414.2
22-271500 x 500497 x 497538 x 538487 x 48726 / 415.8
22-272600 x 600597 x 597638 x 638587 x 58726 / 418.0
22-273800 x 800797 x 797838 x 838787 x 78726 / 4114.5
All dimensions are in mm / (V) = lock side

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